08 September 2006

WAPI, WANEP, KAIPTC - do we like acronyms? YES we do!

Today is Day 2. Well technically it is day 3, but it is the second day I am at the Kofi Annan Centre, and I have met a few of the people who work with WANEP. The big conference that is a collaboration between WANEP and the KA Centre is called "WAPI" - or the West African Peacebuilding Institute. Next week there is a whole 5 days devoted to issues on Peace Education and Youth, pretty awesome eh? On Monday I'll meet with Oury, the program coordinator to basically learn about WANEP and probably start thinking about what I'll be doing for the next 6 months. Recently WANEP consolidated its organizational structure, so now it is strictly a coordinating network that oversees programming at the national level. So this means they are no longer in charge of any kind of implementation, instead that is done at the various country offices in Benin, Togo, Nigeria etc. I am pretty excited to begin on Monday reading loads of documents and basically getting up to speed on the organization.

Last night Lindsay and I went to Champ's again (this Sport's Bar), it is kind of a mix of locals and random internationals... a fun game is guessing why people are in Ghana, I think there must be quite a few diplomats kids kicking about for the summer. Anyway, there is hilarious quiz they have every Thursday. We came in 7th last night, pretty bad I know, but we plan on kicking some serious ass next week, especially since we realized there are actually cash prizes... haha just kidding, but it is really fun!

Today is Friday, and I guess now that I am no longer a student (oh that is weird...), I will actually look forward to this day! I think we'll be sticking around Accra this weekend, probably doing a bit of exploring, check out the big markets etc. Next weekend (after the other new intern arrives), a few of us might try to go to Cape Coast (I'll include pics when I start using my laptop).

What else? Well, I have to say congrats to all my Dal buddies who passed their defences!! Nice work folks... I wish I could have been there to lend some moral support, but I am sure everyone was amazing!! Also, I seriously wish I could be there to celebrate post-thesis tonight for Aimee's birthday! Happy birthday (old) lady!! Just kidding... ahaha hopefully there is another baby in the new batch of MAs.

Well that is probably good for just now. I am going to read the news and catch up on the world before I get assigned another task like transcribing a speech, boo... ahaha.


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