11 September 2006

A bit about food or Why Laura got FAT in Ghana

As I sit here and write this post, I am surrounded by a delightful array of local food. An enormous helping of (yes, again) fried plantain. A bigger helping of red-red (black eyed peas mixed something greasy and very spicy!) which I think may have some fish in it - I think this trip will have at least a few, "and then I accidently ate [insert chicken/beef/pork/goat here]" stories, which my brothers LOVE, and claim are no accident at all... I also have a sashay, which is a 'bag' of water. How many of you are cringing at that, ahaha settle down, it is the easiest way to buy water, and the cheapest too. For about 30 cents you get half a litre, and it is pretty likely going to be cold too. I think the total cost of the meal was 3USD, which is pretty pricey for local food. But seeing as it is less than one week in, I opted for the restaurant over the side of the road vendor... but all in good time.

I may have already mentioned this, but in spite of coffee being a main export of the Ghanaian economy, it is rather hard to come by. That is, unless you hit a predominantly ex-pat/international venue. This is okay, but in order to try and make up for my lack of access, I have resorted to buying Nescafe. It's a sad story I tell you.... but it gets better because I don't have a mug. We also won't have a kettle until tomorrow, so I have been boiling water in the microwave, and then drinking Nescafe out of my bowl. Ahaha, to all of you who think I am a princess, how wrong you are!!

That's all for now, just trying to begin to think of ideas for work here.


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