10 October 2006

Eating bananas makes you a mosquito magnet

Finally I have managed to post a few more pictures after outsmarting my computer... long story. Anyway the three below are stolen from Charlie, so I can't take credit... looks nice though, doesn't it?

Labadi Beach

More of Labadi

Bishop, our cute friend from across the street, the sand monster

(at Labadi Beach)

Me and Mary Morgan (isn't that just the best name for a journalist ever?)

Lou and Charlie

Bishop and Trish (and ice yogurt... jealous Sonjel?? Fan Yogo!)

"Does anyone else call Mummy's husband Daddy?" - S. Bennett
Me and Trish laughing our asses off...

At Louise's party. From the left: Mary, Trish, Lou, me, Shanika


Blogger Stu said...

Hot? Ha ha ha, if you are wearing jeans, it is not hot enough...welcome to the tropics darky (I assure you that is much better than my face. I forgot to wear suntan lotion then I was in a boat for 12 hours. Than I shaved. Now my face looks like the Indo flag. Red on top, White on the bottom).

9:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jowi Taylor invites you..
"..we gather music and news about music from our network of almost 200 correspondents around the world. ...and while on one hand you're welcome to just sit back and enjoy the world tour, you're also welcome to become a guide yourself. With a musical story in mind, some simple recording equipment and a quick tutorial from our Correspondent's Handbook, you can add your voice to this international award winning show.
Either way, all are welcome in the Global-Village.


2:57 AM  
Blogger C. LaRoche said...

Stu: ahahahah, that's great. Reminds me of when I use to sail and I'd get a haircut like halfway through the summer and have this bizarre white-red-tanned bunch of topography going on.

1:40 PM  
Blogger justdando said...

Ahhhhh you are so cute... it is so nice to see your happy little face. I am thinking of you lots and lots.
Love ya.. Andi

8:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just got caught up on the blogs. Fan Yogo?!?!?!? What am I doing in Nova Scotia??? Clearly I am in the wrong place! :)

12:05 AM  

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