29 September 2006

Real Rain

My dad always used to tell me about listening to the rain at night when he lived in Guyana. Tropical rain hitting the roof makes a sound like none other... it fills the room before you even notice that the streets are beginning to flood outside. At night it is especially nice... unless of course you have the misfortune of a leaky ceiling... also, unpaved streets turn into mud slicks. But as I experienced in Cape Coast, and had stains to prove it for about a week... squelching your feet in the red mud is pretty darn fun. And YES you did read correctly, my feet were stained with mud for days! Pretty great I know.

So it just started raining here... and I can't help but miss Halifax just a bit! Although, at least here, since the rainy season is officially over, I know it won't rain all day/week/month, like it would in Hali... I am sure by the afternoon it will have passed.

In the last few days I have had a realization concerning Ghanaian traffic lights, or lack thereof. Don't get me wrong, there ARE traffic lights, they are just far and few between, sort of like the street lamps. In major intersections they exist, but in the morning, when traffic is utter mayhem there are not enough. To overcome this challenge (don't ask why it took me THIS long to realize what was happening, ahaha), they use policeman like lights. Okay, I know we do this too in NA when the lights go out... but these police officers stand at the junctions EVERY day. And I am not talking about a mere one or two major junctions without lights... they are everywhere! Anyway, a small tidbit into the challenges with lack of infrastructure in Ghana.

Oh, see! In mere minutes the rain has passed. Excellent.

I really can't believe it is almost the end of the month. I imagine it is getting rather cold in Canada, (shame that, ahaha) the school has lost it's initial "ooh this is new again" charm. Time certainly does fly as you get older, wouldn't you say Dad? Ahaha... started with a shout out, had to end that way too!

Lastly, would those of you who insist on leaving comments like: flying spiders DO exist (info I could have gone without), at least do me the favour of identifying yourself? Making fun of me is far more effective when I know who you are!


Blogger Aimee White said...

Haha... it wasn't me, I have no problem making fun of you to your face ;)

Loved this post and your description of the rain... made me feel like I was there! Might help that - big shock - Halifax is dark and dreary today. Should be nice and disgusting all day/week/month/ long, haha.

12:01 PM  
Blogger Forward Looking Canadian said...

It's beautiful out in Rothesay today but we had heavy rains last night.

Also, this morning I was trimming some bushes back for the deck I'm building, and this giant.. and I mean GIANT spider fell onto my hand. It was BRIGHT ORANGE and I'd never seen a toonie-sized bright oragne spider before, so I assumed you had magically transported a Ghanaian spider all the way to my house in NB.

6:36 PM  
Blogger C. LaRoche said...

Laura... we need more pictures!

And yes, it's getting cold-ish. But I love the fall, a lot. It's like the only real season in Hali. Hehehehe.

Oh and BTW ppl, spiders eat flies. A lot of them. Love your neighbourhood spider. Without him, the fly count would be four times as worse!!!

7:49 AM  

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