25 September 2006

Cape Coast

Headed to Cape

View from inside our tro, getting ready to leave for Cape Coast

En route

Naureen (Toronto), and Lindsay (Toronto) in the tro; if you look closely you can see me and Trish (Toronto - do we see a trend?) waaay in the back. It was my brilliant idea to sit in the back, in retrospect, worst plan ever... there is about half the leg room back there.

Our view

A few more en route pics

At Cape Coast - this pic was taken from the "castle." Which was in essence a fort used to hold slaves before transporting them to the rest of the world (North America, Latin America, Middle East, etc.)

This is actually how it looks, it could be a painting though!

Again, from the castle

Another, equally beautiful. It is surreal how such beauty is juxtaposed to such a horrific past...


Blogger Aimee White said...


These pics are stunning... I can't stop staring at them!

Missed you at BGA's birthday party last night!

11:46 AM  

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