21 September 2006

Fish, French, and Beyonce

So here we have a nice map of the various regions in Ghana. In case anyone was wondering a bit more about the country... I imagine that as I travel more (every second weekend, or so is the plan), I will actually be able to comment on these places you see. So far, we've just made it as far as Cape Coast. Although I am keen to check out Takoradi, which apparently has amazing beaches.

Last night I tried another Ghanaian meal... yeah, I do realize 90% of my commentary is about food, but if you are surprised by this, then you clearly don't know me at all. We ate at Blue Gate, this "chop bar"/restaurant very close to our place. Actually so close that we usually say to taxi drivers that we're going to Blue Gate. For some reason everyone knows this random restaurant. I have heard rave reviews about Talapia, or grilled fish, and apparently this is the place to eat it. It was rather expensive (140,000 cedis, or 14 USD for one fish), but we split three amongst about 13 people so it worked out alright. Generally I am opposed to eating fish that looks like fish. I mean full-on tail, eyes, fins, yeah... not a fan, but I figured, when in Ghana... You actually eat talapia with your hands (another interesting adventure), so once we got into the fish I got over the fact that it was looking at us. It was amazing! I am personally shocked that I tried it, but damn happy I did. It was very tasty, and came with veggies (shocks!) and avocado. There is something rather liberating about eating with your hands too... another thing I never thought I could do.

After dinner, we went to Alliance Francaise (Sabina I hope you're reading this)... not to learn French (although I actually am going to start taking lessons with a few of the girls - leave it to me to wait to be in Ghana to learn French), every Wednesday night there is a cultural event. Last night were some drummers and dancers from just north of Accra, from the Ga tribe. It was amazing! They were fantastic and so animated! It totally made me think of all the people I know who have taken West African drumming classes - guys you would have LOVED this. Anyway I think we may head over there quite often, because it was a great event. AF hosts a number of great events, concerts, etc. Most recently, the famous Malian musican, Habib Koite (my parents personal fave) played in concert for free! I am pretty sad I missed that, I bet he is fantastic live. Speaking of concerts though, I think we may go to one in October. Guess who is coming to Ghana... BEYONCE and JAY-Z. HILARIOUS. Tickets aren't too bad, about 60USD, but when else will I be able to say: "I saw Beyonce in GHANA?" Yeah, tickets are on sale at the grocery store, so I think a few of us may check it out.

Tonight is Thursday, so another shot at the quiz night at Champs. Last week was disgraceful, hence the lack of commentary on it the following day. Some of the categories included: Ghanaian football (riiiight), and Winston Churchill. Honestly now. Hopefully tonight will be more successful, although we'll have to wait and see.


Blogger Aimee White said...

I'm so jealous!

Jay-Z came out of retirement for this tour!

What a dreamy couple those two make, sigh.

4:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I forgot all about chop bars!! I feel like crying now!!

How's the French coming?

7:01 PM  

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