14 September 2006

Rounding out the gruesome THREE...

Last night we found a rat.

Yep. A rat.

Interesting how it takes certain things (such as a rat) to put other things (such as spiders and cockroaches) in perspective eh?

Yes, I thought so too.

Perhaps I seem rather calm about this. Well the truth is, I am. Lindsay found it, not me. It ran from the kitchen into the bathroom, where it currently resides. In fact, we are fairly certain that everything currently resides in the bathroom... which is why we asked our landlady (Mami - perhaps the nicest woman on the planet) to help us fight the vermin off. She willingly obliged and as of later today (we hope) there will no longer be a massive hole underneath our tub.

In other news, we did a bit of planning for this weekend's adventure. Looks like there is a whole wack of us going (about 11 in total), so we should have enough people to fill up a tro-tro. Tro-tros are not quite buses, but not quite taxis... they have set routes around town, have a driver, and a man who hangs out (literally) calling out the destination. For example: "circle, circle, circle!!" It is a pretty awesome sight, but a cheap way to get around. I have to confess, I have yet to take a tro, but that is simply because you need to know what the routes are prior to getting on, because the likelihood of getting massively lost is pretty darn high if you just hope for the best. Seeing as it is only my third day coming into the office, I'll probably give it a few more days... Back to the point though, we'll fill a tro to go to Cape Coast. It will take around 4 or 5 hours to get there, shotgun motion sickness! Yeah, I need to get some Gravol asap... as fond memories of the sailing trip return... I'll give more info on its history after I get back, post some pics etc.

Tonight is of course Thursday, which means it is quiz night at Champ's. After recruiting a few more willing and able participants, we're pretty convinced we have a good shot at the gold tonight, ahaha I'll post about our results tomorrow.

My mouth is kind of on fire right now. But oh how I love it. For lunch we walked a few streets over to this stand called Two Sisters to get some watchey (wah-chee). Basically it consists of rice and beans, but you can get stew with it, or gari (grated cassava), oh and also a hot black pepper - seriously hot, hence the burning... I had mine sans stew, since there was no non-meat variety, but damn it is good! This is an excellent contrast to something I tried yesterday, which was... well, not worth mentioning. My new rule: if it has okra in it, just say no. Ugh, something that slimy should be illegal.

I suppose my lunch break is officially over now, so I'll sign off here.

Let's hope this is the first and last post about the resident vermin.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe you're going to Cape Coast -- you lucky duck!!

Oh and eat some fried plantains for me -- lots of them. Hmmmmm, fried plantains!!

7:46 PM  
Blogger Aimee White said...

So where are these pics you keep promising us, huh? Dying here!

(I'll definitely be dying when I see pics of flat spiders...eee...)

Take lots on your trip! Have fun! xoxox

11:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Rats make good homemakers who are always willing to do household chores. Rats are not usually interested in keeping up with the times, and it doesn't matter to them whether or not their furnishings are in style. What does matter is that their home is a refuge expressing warmth, comfort and vogue. Light blue is their color of choice for home decor. Because this is a sign of acquisition, the Rat person's house is presumably bursting with various knick-knacks collected over the years. Most Rats are cheerful, domesticated individuals who find happiness at home with their family.

Messrs I.P. Freely & Phil Mcraken Advocates and Solicitors

5:25 PM  
Blogger C. LaRoche said...

Hold on, is this Edmonton or Ghana?

I can't tell.

10:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope to pick up a calling card tomorrow (Sunday the 17th) and will call you pretty soon.

Sounds like you're already a local. What are these quizzes like at Champs??

Miss you -like Tobias would miss his cut-off shorts if he were forced to be naked. (props?)


4:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are having quite the adventure! I'm so jealous! I wish I was still in West Africa! :)


5:26 AM  
Blogger Stu said...

Eat the cockroaches, make friend with the spiders (they eat mosquitos) and tame the rat. I lived with a rat for a whole month in Manado and it provided some good entertainment when it ran over Ika's feet. Of course she screamed.

Oh, my rat also lived in the bathroom.

11:48 AM  

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