19 September 2006

One of those days...

Yesterday was one of those days.

Not the kind where everything that possibly could go wrong does, but the kind that make you take a deep breath and really feel at peace with, well, everything.

It was a day that made me think: I really like Ghana.

I have always wanted to live in New York City, and eventually will someday... but many of my friends who do live there say they have a love/hate relationship with the city. There are weeks that go by which are amazing, and others that make them question why on earth they chose to live there.

I think the same goes for many places. Certainly here... I'd say I feel that.

Yesterday I arrived at work to find people sitting around eating in the dark. Of course, we had no power at home, so I didn't think it would be the same at the office. (I live in Osu, the office is pretty far away and usually they cut power by neighbourhood, rotating it through the city)

Obviously this left me with no choice but to head to the internet cafe back in Osu, because I had a bunch of research to get done. Three productive hours later, I had lunch with a few of the girls (power it seemed, was out in a few places). After a lovely relaxed lunch, we did a bit of browsing at fabrics, had a coffee, and I headed down Oxford street (the main street in Osu) just taking it all in. I haven't walked around much alone, even during the day, so it was rather liberating to wander about and not worry or be totally gunning to get to my destination.

On a side note, it isn't super dangerous here, but at night sketchy things do happen. I recently heard of two rather scary things, which I will not write about, because I do want my mom to live to a ripe old age... but let's just say being alone at night is, well, retarded. This is especially because in many places, side roads etc., there is just no light at all.

Additionally I bought a whole pineapple for 40 cents, and a papaya for 30. The lovely lady across the street has just met her best customer I think!

I'm getting a wack load of pictures tonight, so I will post about the weekend trip to Cape Coast WITH pictures tomorrow!


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