20 September 2006

Carb Fest 2006

Last night we decided to take it easy and get some food off the street and watch a movie. So, a bit on what we ate. Well, obviously its a no brainer that I got another papaya and pineapple... I know I should slow down, but as with everything, I'll overdo it, then never want to see another pineapple again... sigh, slightly OCD I think. We also got yams and potatoes smothered in pepper... mmm, good. A few of the girls got chicken with that too, rounding out the meal to a total of 11,000 cedis, or 1.10 US, insane no? And that was for four of us. We also bought plantain chips, which are probably the most addictive thing in the world, needless to say I ate a fair share during the movie. Essentially they are just like potato chips, just smaller and more delectable, or so I think. All in all it was a good night, just relaxed with good food and good company.

Today WANEP is holding a Symposium on the United Nations Security Council Reform at the Kofi Annan Centre. It should be pretty interesting, the panelists include people from the African Union and ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States). It is supposed to address how potential reform might impact Africa, etc. I'm heading over there after lunch to partake, definitely looking forward to it.

Photos are on my laptop... it is a slow process, but eventually (by the end of the week) they will make it on to the blog, I promise.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like you have about adjusted over there. I'm also like in gthe sounds of ur plantain potato chips... mmmm.. its raining cats, dogs, and fish out here! Miss you.
-Megs out west

1:03 AM  

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