09 October 2006

Happy Belated(?) Thanksgiving

Has Thanksgiving passed me by? Was it Friday or is it today? Hmm... certain people have been leaving messages that include the phrase: "turkeypants" for a few days now, so I am rather unsure if it has in fact passed or not. Ah well, not likely I was going to get a nice fancy dinner anyway, so I suppose I will get over it.

A bit about this morning/this weekend: It has begun to get increasingly hot. The kind of hot which is making me sit with a sashay (waterbag, the cold variety thankfully) hanging out of my mouth at all times, or else I break into an uncomfortable sweat. Water seems to reduce your body temperature pretty fast, which is lucky for me... the AC in this office seems to not quite reach my cubicle, devastating I know. Anyway, at least I have a window... so I can see the rather hazy/cloudy sky - yes, the weekend was definitely nicer weather than today. Sunny, blue skies (which we haven't seen a lot of, surprisingly), plus fifty... I exaggerate, perhaps 45? We almost passed out walking to Naureen's on Sunday. We took a taxi instead of walking for ten minutes... yes it was crazy hot.

Unfortunately however, this is just the beginning. Apparently it starts getting hot now, and by February you get sweaty before you even leave the shower... ah good times. I guess I was beginning to enjoy the mild heat, and cool nights... so much for that.

This morning's adventures included: one tro ride, and one ride in a shared taxi (exactly what it sounds like, a taxi that random people get into and is therefore cheaper than getting a 'private' taxi). I am rather impressed that I managed to pay for my fare to work, a massive loaf of bread (like a baguette but soft), and a yogurt for LESS than taking a regular taxi to work (I still have change for the way home!), I'm pretty sure it is going to be impossible to justify taking a taxi alone again ever.

Okay so I HAD this amazing post about the concert, in detail... but then my computer turned off with no notice. So it is lost forever. I MAY try to write it again tomorrow, depending on if Trish bribes me with plantain chips... We'll have to see though, it was bloody long... sigh.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should get going on that concert review...seeing as how you're so good at writing them. BAHAHA!

5:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Laura - it's great to be reading your blog!! Sounds like you're having all sorts of adventures (and yes, bug stories count). hugs xox ALlison

2:11 AM  

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