18 October 2006

Every Man for Himself

Lindsay and I have a theory. When you come from a family with two (or more) brothers, you develop a certain style of eating. This can be best described as: "Every man for himself" - the 'man' of course in this context, is not gender specific. We figured this out when dining with our friend Naureen (one sister) who eats rather slowly and actually knows how to stop when she is full (I think that is called restraint...). We were eating at Venus (good pizza), and Lindsay and I managed to finish an entire pizza (each) before Naureen finished her meal (which was significantly smaller...). Her food had arrived about 15 minutes prior to ours.

Growing up with brothers (multiple) makes eating a constant competition. If you see a box of cookies on the counter, you best fill your pockets, because when you come back, there may be all of one left... IF you're lucky. I think this has made me a) always eat a lot and b) eat like the food might in fact vanish if I look away for too long... Until now though, I kind of didn't realize that this may stem from something tangible, i.e. having two, lovely, brothers, with enormous appetites!

Anyway, it's my theory and I am sticking to it. All I can say really, is thank God for the gym... otherwise there would be waaay more Laura to love when I get home. Yikes.

I think this whole food thing was fuelled in high school too. Everything was always/is still always centered around eating. It is such a social event. Not that I am opposed to it... that is just how it is. I don't really get those people who don't enjoy food like I do, you know the ones I mean, the people who "forget to eat..." WHO does that? Weirdos. A special thanks goes out to Sabina here, who will always indulge with me at home, usually in the form of pizza... What I would give to have a ridiculously big meal at Olive Garden with you ladies right now!

Right so I realize that wasn't really about Ghana per se. But it was. Since we have no real place to hang out in our 'apartment' we are always going out after work to eat. So we seem to get on this topic of the "theory" quite frequently.

I do actually have a great post waiting in the wings, but I have to transfer it from my laptop, which will hopefully happen tomorrow.

I guess I will leave off with a final thought.

Before last week I was strictly focusing on material things. I mean in terms of safety. I'd think to myself: so, I have my ipod, and this much cash... how would I feel if someone steals that? I'd feel most secure when I had little or no money on me, nothing valuable and no purse. This all changed last week, when I realized that no matter what material possessions you might have, you yourself are a target. I debated about writing about this, mostly cause I thought my mom might freak out, or my father might fly here... ahaha, but I thought I should as it changed my entire perspective on feeling safe and secure. The other night we were walking from our place to Naureen's (perhaps a 7 minute walk). It was night, and there were quite a few people around, so it felt quite comfortable... Anyway we were walking in a group of about 6 girls, but we were all dressed relatively nicely (not that this should make a difference, but I do have a whole other theory on this... which I will save for some other time). This group of guys, who seemed totally harmless (three of them) were walking in the other direction, and I honestly didn't give it a second thought. But they kind of got closer to us (I still wasn't thinking anything of it), and one of them reached out and grabbed my ass. [Mom and Dad, please don't freak out] What shocked me was my reaction... I general envision myself punching someone in the face if they every do something like this... but I didn't even react until a minute later. It was so unreal and unexpected that I barely let it register. At the time I thought to myself, wow I can see how girls might be like: did that really happen? And totally second guess themselves...

Anyway, needless to say I was disgusted, went on a small rant about men being animals with no restraint... ahaha, and now feel like I am more aware that as a woman, especially a foreigner, it is necessary to extra cautious and aware of who is around you at all times. I'm not going to be paranoid, but I have changed my mentality about safety. At the end of the day material possessions are not the only thing people can take from you. In fact, who cares if they do, I mean those things can be replaced. Being safe has to do with your physical person. Well, I feel like it was a good lesson for me, and all the other girls I am with too. We're now aware that this can happen and it pays to be extra cautious...

I feel like ending on that note would be bad... but I don't have a whole lot else to say right now. Tomorrow's post will be a nice one, I promise!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think this was a very good post. Thanks for putting it up.
Take care of you out there.

2:54 AM  
Blogger justdando said...

I totally know where you are coming from with the whole fast eater thing. 4 brothers and a sister surely have much to do with it.. not that there was ever a shortage of food at the table.. but you catch the drift. Curiously enough though it was always my sister that would be done supper first... . Love the latest entry as well.


12:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love eating too Laura, don't feel bad... and I really like your blog.


6:13 PM  

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